The Supreme Court's lightning-fast judgment this month on how the foreshore and seabed law should be interpreted has had the intended effect but it may be only short-term. In ru
The Supreme Court's decision to overturn the Court of Appeal's ruling on the customary marine title of the foreshore and seabed has significant implications for the New Zealand government's approach to these areas. Previously, the government had been working under the assumption that the Court of Appeal's decision, which limited the scope of customary title, was definitive. However, the Supreme Court's ruling has expanded the potential for Māori to claim customary title over parts of the foreshore and seabed, prompting a need for the government to reassess its policies. This decision affects ongoing negotiations and could lead to more claims being recognized, potentially altering the legal landscape regarding ownership and rights over these coastal areas. The government now faces the challenge of integrating this broader interpretation into its legislative framework, which might involve revisiting the Foreshore and Seabed Act or developing new policies to accommodate these rights.