ADP: ADP Empowers Advisors With Expanded Retirement Services Offering
ROSELAND, NJ--(Marketwire - March 23, 2009) - [ ADP ]® Employer Services, a leading provider of HR, payroll and benefits administration services, today announced the launch of ADP ACCESS (SM), a [ retirement ]program that combines the benefits of ADP's world-class 401(k) plan recordkeeping services and the trusted guidance of a financial advisor.
"ADP recognizes the valuable role financial advisors play in offering clients and plan participants trusted guidance," said Chris Augelli, VP Alliance Programs and Business Development. "By leveraging ADP's unique strengths in data and client management, employee education and investment objectivity, ACCESS helps to ensure that financial advisors are offering their clients the best possible retirement plan solutions."
ADP ACCESS is designed to ease the administrative burden and provide superior service and support to the financial advisor community. Its benefits include:
-- iPlan.iSave.iBenefit®: an employee education program that helps employees maximize their plan benefits and manage their retirement plan goals and objectives -- Network of Education Specialists: a nationwide network of licensed specialists who are dedicated to helping employees prepare for retirement -- Data Management: seamless integration between payroll and 401(k) plan systems lightens time spent on plan administration -- Breadth of Investment Options: over 25 different asset managers, more than 140 different investment options and diversification across asset classes -- Level Compensation: a level compensation model that meets the advisor community's need for true fee transparency
ADP ACCESS enables ADP to expand its relationships to more than 32 advisor-focused firms, including broker-dealers, wirehouses, and regional and independent firms, representing over 60,000 advisors.
"ADP offers an unbiased investment lineup featuring funds from many of the best-known and well-respected asset managers in the industry without the proprietary fund requirements imposed by many other service providers," said Luciano Costantini of Sequoia Benefits, LLC. "The ADP ACCESS program enables my clients to benefit from both the investment guidance I provide as well as ADP's data management and administrative experience."
ADP Retirement Services leverages robust technology and the knowledge of experienced professionals to provide world-class recordkeeping and retirement services for companies of any size. Its full range of product offerings includes 401(k) & SIMPLE IRA Retirement Plans, Executive Deferred Compensation Plans, and "Premium Only" (POP) Cafeteria Plans.
For more information on ADP Retirement Services, please contact us at 800-432-401k or visit our Web site at [ www.adp401k.com ].
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