BioElectronics Corporation: BioElectronics Announces Western European Expansion
FREDERICK, MD--(Marketwire - July 16, 2009) - BioElectronics Corp. (
"We are already seeing strong successes in the Benelux, having recently begun selling BioElectronics' product in the region's largest online drugstore and we have strong interest among high-end drug store retailers," commented Gerard Lindhout, General Manager of Jumatro BV. "In addition to targeting both the professional and retail markets in conjunction with major European distributors, we are also developing a web environment called Gezondheidsstad (in English: Health City) to support online sales. I have used the ActiPatch product myself with great success and believe its drug-free approach to pain relief and healing is consistent with the needs of the European market. We look forward to working with BioElectronics to take these products across Western Europe and into Germany and Spain in particular."
Andrew Whelan, CEO of BioElectronics, added, "We selected a very strong partner to service Western Europe. Both Jumatro and Mr. Gerard have strong track records of success in the European markets. We look forward to supporting their European distribution expansion."
About BioElectronics Corporation
BioElectronics Corporation is the maker of ActiPatch® Therapy, RecoveryRx™ Devices, HealFast™ Therapy (http: [ www.healfasttherapy.com ]) and the Allay™ family of inexpensive, disposable drug-free anti-inflammatory devices. For more information please see [ http://www.BioElectronicsCorp.com ].
The Jumatro Gezondheidsstad site will be launched this summer. The Jumatro product portfolio can be viewed at [ www.actipatchtherapy.eu ]