Cisco: Cisco Networking Academy Congratulates Winners of Student Video Contest
SAN JOSE, CA--(Marketwire - September 11, 2009) - Cisco (
Cisco Networking Academy
- [ Cisco Networking Academy ] is a technology education program that provides students in 165 countries with networking and technical skills to prepare them for careers in the 21st century.
- Committed to delivering the highest standard of information technology education to students of all nationalities, genders and economic brackets, the Networking Academy is designed to offer students real-world skills that will position them for employment and career growth.
- There are currently more than 2,200 academies across the United States, with nearly 550,000 students having completed coursework preparing them for careers in information technology.
Student Video Contest
- In May and June of 2009, individuals or teams of up to three Networking Academy colleagues developed and submitted three-minute videos expressing "Why I'm Excited About IT."
- Videos were judged by a panel of Networking Academy employees who selected a first-, second- and third-place national winner in each of three categories: Alumni, College and High School.
- The final week of the contest was dedicated to a popular vote and invited the Networking Academy community to rate the top videos, providing an additional award to recognize the videos that had the highest viewership with the "Most Socialized Video."
High School
- 1st Place: David Marshall, Jr., Adrew Maxwell, Porchia Brown: Herndon Career Center, Raytown, Mo.
- 2nd Place & Most Socialized Video: Lucas Lemieux, Steve Polter, Joe Barwick: Euclid High School, Cleveland, Ohio
- 3rd Place: Craig Brown: Grundy Area Vocational Center, Rockford, Ill.
- 1st Place & Most Socialized Video: Maria Vargas, Haley Cose, Ivan Guzman: San Joaquin Delta College, Stockton, Calif.
- 2nd Place: Adam Carter: Northwest Arkansas Community College, Bentonville, Ark.
- 3rd Place: Wayne Wayt, Kelly Kannas, Tyler Heller: Lake Area Technical Institute, Watertown, S.D.
- 1st Place: Ryan Murphy, Kenneth Lindbloom: Tomball College Regional Academy, Houston, Texas
- 2nd Place: Leana DeSouza: Lehman College, New York, N.Y.
- 3rd Place: Tony Gallucci: Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, Mich.
- Most Socialized Video: Tim Bertino, Jeremy Wynia, Kenneth Wurdinger: Wayne State College, Wayne, Neb.
Supporting Quote:
- Rosanna Bisges, senior manager of the Cisco Networking Academy, U.S. and Canada, said: "This video competition was an excellent opportunity for students and alumni to showcase the skills and knowledge that they have developed through the Cisco Networking Academy. We are thrilled to see so many eager participants in this contest demonstrating the impact of networking technology and sharing their excitement in a dynamic and innovative way."
Supporting Resources:
- Cisco Networking Academy: [ http://www.cisco.com/go/netacad ]
Technorati Tags: Talent Development, Networking, Cisco, Cisco Networking Academy, CCNA, Cisco Certifications, Video Contest, Cisco Video, Cisco Competition, Student Video Contest, IT, Interest in IT, Excited About IT
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