Reuters Latin American Investment Summit -- Mar 28 - Apr 1 -- Over 60 Presidents, Central Bank Governors, Ministers, Regulators
NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - March 27, 2011) - Over sixty CEOs and executives from top Latin American companies, as well as presidents, central bank governors, ministers, regulators and government officials, will visit Reuters bureaus in Mexico City, Lima, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Santiago, Sao Paulo, Quito, Bogota, Madrid, Asuncion, New York, Washington, D.C., Montevideo from March 28 - April 1 to discuss the outlook for business and investments in Latin America, and the impact of the world events in a series of exclusive interviews. The stories and videos from the closed on-the-record sessions at the Reuters Latin American Investment Summit will be posted online at [ www.reuters.com/summits ].
Blessed with abundant natural resources, Latin America's largest emerging markets have shown dramatic economic growth in recent years and attracted huge inflows of foreign money. Brazil has established itself as one of the world's hottest top investment destinations and Argentina, Peru and Chile -- currently the fastest growing economies in the region -- are expected to expand around 6 percent or more in 2011. But while investors abroad wonder how long the area will keep offering strong returns, policymakers and executives face a string of economic and social hurdles, ranging from weak infrastructure to overheated currency markets.
Reuters Latin American Investment Summit will feature some of the most influential leaders, businessmen, politicians and regulators who will give insight on where they think the region is heading. The Summit will generate exclusive stories and investable insights, as well as online videos and blog postings. These can be seen at: [ http://www.reuters.com/summit/LatinAmericanInvestment11 ]
Some key interviews will air live exclusively on Reuters Insider -- a personalized video experience. Visit [ http://etv.thomsonreuters.com ]
As part of the Summit, we will host a debate on March 31st (11.30 Sao Paulo/10:30 New York/15:30 London) with Brazilian's leading economists chaired by Reuters Brazil. To watch it online, please at: [ www.thomson-webcast.net/uk/dispatching/?Brazil_webcast_2011 ]
Guests speaking at the Reuters Latin American Investment Summit will include:
* Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos;
* U.S. Secretary for Homeland Security Janet Napolitano;
* U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Ron Kirk;
* Chilean Finance Minister Felipe Larrain;
* Colombian Finance Minister Juan Carlos Echeverry;
* Peru Presidential Candidate Keiko Sofía Fujimori Higuchi;
* Peru Presidential Candidate Ollanta Moisés Humala Tasso;
* Peru Presidential Candidate Alejandro Celestino Toledo Manrique;
* Peru Central Bank Governor Julio Vilaverde;
* Mexico Central Bank Governor Agustin Carstens;
* U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Ron Kirk;
* Ecuador Oil and Mines Minister Wilson Pástor;
* Colombian Minister of Energy and Mines Carlos Rodado;
* Banco do Brasil President Aldemir Bendine;
* Usiminas President Wilson Brumer;
* Embraer CEO Federico Curado;
* Peru Economic Minister Ismael Benavides;
* Peru Energy and Mining Minister Pedro Sanchez;
* Uruguay Vice President Danilo Astori;
* Paraguay Central Bank Governor Jorge Raul Corvalan Mendoza;
* Colombia Minister of Transport German Cardona;
* Ecuadorian Viceminister of Foreign Commerce Francisco Rivadeneria;
* America Movil CFO Carlos Garcia Moreno;
* Mexico Energy Minister Jose A. Meade;
* Uruguay Finance Minister Fernando Lorenzo;
* JBS President Wesley Batista;
* Hypermarcas CEO Claudio Bergamo;
* Colombian Trade Minister Sergio Díaz-Granados;
* Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires Presidential Candidate Mauricio Macri;
* Oppositon Coalition Venezuela Leader Ramon Guillermo Aveledo;
* Buenos Aires province Governor Daniel Scioli;
* Buenaventura CEO Roque Benavides;
* BBVA Director for Latin America Vicente Rodero Rodero;
* Petroamazonas Presdient Oswaldo Madrid;
* Bancolombia President Carlos Raul Yepes;
* Head of Colombia's National Federation of Coffee Growers Luis Munoz;
* Grupo Mexico CFO Daniel Muniz;
* Aluar CEO Javier Madanes;
* Soriana CFO Aurelio Adan;
* Entel CFO Felipe Ureta;
* Sidor President Carlos De Olivieria;
* Enap General Manager General Manager;
* Wal-Mart de Mexico CEO Scot Rank;
* Grupo Favero President Tranquilo Favero;
* Southern Copper CEO Oscar Gonzalez;
* Avianca Taca Colombia President Fabio Villegas;
* Gas Natural General Director for Latin America Sergi Aranda;
* Pemex Exploration Production Director-General Carlos Morales;
* Moody's Investors Service Regional Credit Officer for Latin America Mauro Leos;
* Rusoro Venezuela President Andrea Padovani;
* Eclac Executive Secretary Alicia Barcena;
* Fiat Auto Argentina President Cristiano Rattazzi;
* Ecopetrol Colombia President Javier Genaro Gutiérrez;
* Larrain Vial General Manager Manuel Bulnes;
* Rio Tinto Alcan General Director Juan Pazos Romero;
* IRSA President Eduardo Elstzain;
* CAP CEO Jamie Charles;
* PeruPetro President Daniel Saba;
* Fitch Ratings Senior Director and Head of Latin America Shelly Shetty;
* Antofagasta Minerals General Manager Marcelo Awad;
* Gol Linhas Aereas President and CEO Constantino de Oliveira Jr.;
* Duro Felguera President Juan Carlos Torres Inclán;
* Santiago Stock Exchange General Manager Jose Antonio Martinez;
* Standard & Poor's Director of Sovereign Ratings Lisa Schineller; and
* Gold Fields La Cima General Manager Juan Luis Kruger.
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Reuters Summits bring together top executives from key industries in exclusive sessions with Reuters News global teams of specialist journalists. During the course of Reuters Summits, exclusive news stories and video interviews are posted on Reuters.com, providing valuable insight into specific companies, business sectors, and economies.
Reuters Summits are roundtable interviews, not conferences, and are closed to other media attending. Media wishing to use interview text, video and audio can use Reuters News material with proper attribution to the Reuters Latin American Investment Summit, with 'told Reuters' in second references.
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