Science and Technology Science and Technology
Mon, January 31, 2011
Sun, January 30, 2011

Update on Firawa Project in Guinea, West Africa

Published on 2011-01-30 23:40:18 - Market Wire
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 FORTE ENERGY NL ACN 009 087 852 ASX/AIM CODE: FTE Telephone: +618 9322 4071, Fax: +618 9322 4073 ASX, AIM and Media Release 31 January 2011 Update on Firawa Project, West Africa Firawa Uranium Project * Commencement of pre-feasibility activities * GBM Engineering appointed to lead the metallurgical testing and process design * SGS appointed to undertake wide ranging environmental and anthropological surveys International uranium company Forte Energy NL (ASX/AIM: FTE; "Forte Energy" or "the Company") announces an update on activites at its 100% owned Firawa Uranium Project in Guinea, West Africa. Appointment of contractors The Company has appointed UK based mineral engineering consultants, GBM Engineering, to lead the metallurgical testing and process design project for the Firawa Uranium Project. Preliminary metallurgical testing has been undertaken previously with positive results, but a more comprehensive testing regime will now commence with the end objective of developing a full Uranium/Rare Earth Element (REE) process design. The process will commence immediately with appropriate laboratories being selected and the preparation of samples in Guinea. Environmental Baseline Studies In addition, the Company has appointed global engineering firm SGS to undertake the associated environmental and anthropological surveys in the region of the Firawa deposit. These studies are wide ranging but will cover two broad issues: 1. As Firawa is a high rainfall area, the Company considers it prudent to measure naturally occurring background levels of uranium and other metals in soils and water across a wide area before any major ground disturbing activities are undertaken. 2. The region is populated, with several small villages within 5km of the deposit. Studies will include a rough census of the local population and studies of local land use in order to provide a base line for later studies of the social impact of any mining development. These studies will be undertaken in a way so as to form the basis of formal Environmental and Social Impact studies for submission to the Guinea government as part of the pre-feasibility study and mining permit process. Mark Reilly Managing Director For further information contact: Mark Reilly, Managing Director Forte Energy NL Tel: +44 (0) 203 300 0187 Robin Henshall/Tim Graham Matrix Corporate Capital LLP Tel: +44 (0) 203 206 7000 Jos Simson/Emily Fenton Tavistock Communications Tel: +44 (0) 207 920 3150 Nicholas Read/Paul Armstrong Read Corporate Tel: +61 (0) 8 9388 1474 Stuart Laing RFC Corporate Finance Ltd Tel: +61 (0) 8 9480 2506 (AIM Nominated Adviser to the Company) Note: The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson, who is a Member of the European Federation of Geologists, a 'Recognised Overseas Professional Organisation' ('ROPO') included in a list promulgated by the ASX from time to time. Mr Gustafsson is a full time Technical Director of Forte Energy NL and is responsible for exploration activities in Mauritania and Guinea. Mr. Gustafsson has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr. Gustafsson consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

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