New Zealand Biotech Company Argenta Wins $100,000 Cisco Makeover Competition
January 15, 2012 16:00 ET
New Zealand Biotech Company Argenta Wins $100,000 Cisco Makeover Competition
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND--(Marketwire - Jan 15, 2012) - Cisco (
"Argenta is an exciting New Zealand biotech company that is ready for the kind of technology-based business transformation the Cisco Communications Makeover offers," says Geoff Lawrie, New Zealand country manager for Cisco.
"As an export-orientated business growing the business to several new locations outside New Zealand, the innovative, collaborative business solution technologies offered by the Cisco Makeover will improve the internal collaboration between Argenta's New Zealand and United States offices, as well as help them be more productive and to engage more closely with their customers and business prospects everywhere," Lawrie added.
Dr Doug Cleverly, chief executive officer of Argenta, confirmed winning the technology prize was timely and would help Argenta work more effectively across its global business.
"We know that video and web conferencing has the potential to improve our internal collaboration and support our business goals for expansion into new markets. With Cisco and Orcon's expertise and support, we look forward to realising the benefits of evolving our existing technology strategy and future-proofing our business for growth."
The Cisco NZ$100,000 Communications Makeover was open to all New Zealand businesses with between 20 and 100 employees. New Zealand applicants needed to submit 60 words describing how winning the Cisco Communications Makeover would help grow their business.
Technorati Tags: Cisco, New Zealand, communications, small business, Argenta
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