Software Innovation Market -- NEW YORK, March 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
NEW YORK, March 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
[ Software Innovation Market ]
http://www.reportlinker.com/p01116941/Software-Innovation-Market.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=IT_HostingIBM concentrates on building end to end systems that are able to adapt of market changes. While this may make the IBM product set seem overly heavy in the short run, in the long run, this is of enormous value to clients as proved by the company market leading position in innovation software.
The enterprise uses software innovation to transition to higher quality automated process, middleware to support smarter computing, and cloud computing in an era of smart phones. IBM is profiled as the leader in this software innovation initiative. The ability to federate and spread workloads securely between private and public clouds is "hybrid cloud computing." One mission of software innovation is to lead customers on the journey to hybrid cloud computing.
Physical convergence with digital representations of the physical world is creating complexity. Communication between machine to machine has caused an inflection point for the need for a quickened pace for the management and design of assets with software representing a significant aspect of innovation implementation.
Software is able to support innovation in enterprise markets because software is so much easier to change than physical devices.
Some software is better than other software in supporting innovation. Simple software changes challenge the best of IT departments in many cases, just for software that is used to run the business. For software used to create entire new business initiatives, innovation software is needed. Innovation software is used to handle the complexity of supporting a current market offering while tailoring a new modality.
Software for innovation represents a category distinct from software for existing applications, middleware for existing applications, and upgrades to existing applications. Software for Innovation is that software that helps enterprises grow existing markets. For that reason, it is of interest to the line of business more than to the IT department.
Innovation is needed by an enterprise to gain competitive advantage and respond to change in markets. Software used to effect business change, to make innovation happen is fundamentally different from established applications software and the infrastructure that supports those applications. Software for Innovation is most often tuned to supporting any kind of analytics, to helping the line of business change the fundamental nature of the business as product cycles create new market opportunity that demands attention.
Good businesses learn to listen to clients. They interview customers and try to be responsive to customers. Customers, clients create fickle markets, demanding the newest and best in an inevitable manner. Enabling client capabilities as the foundation of business process speaks to the very heart of innovation. A lot of support is needed to enable enterprise IT departments to adapt existing systems to new challenges.
Software for innovation market driving forces relate to the need to adapt to market changes on an ongoing basis. People have difficulty with change; change is hard.
The worldwide enterprise software market at $295 billion showed broad growth in 2012. Growth was achieved as companies positioned to garner a presence in real time computing, adapt to the Internet as a channel, and embrace mobile devices as adjuncts to business process. Worldwide software revenue increased 8.9 percent in 2012. Software for innovation was a $73.4 billion sub-segment of the overall software market.
This is an entirely new category of software. As WinterGreen Research prepares to break out its software industry index worldwide, studies define the segments of the software industry more clearly. One of the things that jumps out of a close look at all the software industry segments worldwide is the software for innovation that is used primarily by the line of business to respond to the need for growth initiatives. This software goes beyond managing the existing business with implementation of automated process to giving the line of business tools that support growth initiatives.
Software for innovation markets at $73.4 billion in 2012 are anticipated to reach $196.4 billion by 2019. Growth is a result of enterprise need to innovate to grow. It is not enough to maintain a static position in a market, nimble competitors steal market share away if innovation is not pursued. Innovation provides competitive advantage and protection of market position.
Table of Contents Software Innovation Executive Summary ES-1
IBM Concentrates On Building Systems That Are Able To Adapt To Market Changes ES-1 Software for Innovation Market Driving Forces ES-2 Innovation Is Hard, Change is Hard ES-4 Software Innovation Market Shares ES-8 IBM Cloud and Hardware Positioning ES-9 Software Innovation Market Forecasts ES-11
1.1 Innovation Is The Critical Market Differentiator 1-1 1.1.1 Key Opportunities and Investments for Innovation 1-2 1.1.2 Devices with End-User Services 1-3 1.2 Line of Business Looks to Software Architectural Framework 1-4 1.2.1 Need to Improve Software Development Processes 1-5 1.2.2 Data but No Analytics 1-6 1.2.3 How Do We Change Development Processes? 1-6 1.2.4 DevOps Meets ALM– IBM Cloud DevOps Factory 1-7 1.2.5 Next Major Innovation In Collaborative Software Engineering Revolves Around DevOps 1-7 1.3 Partners Healthcare Research and Evaluation Team 1-8 1.4 Market Share Is The Gold Standard Of Market Presence 1-9 1.4.1 Moving From Market Share To Market Space Stickiness 1-10 1.5 GE Reinvents Proprietary Systems 1-13 1.6 IBM Open Systems Approach to Data Centers 1-16 1.7 Software is for Sharing 1-17
2.1 Software for Innovation Market Driving Forces 2-1 2.1.1 Innovation Is Hard, Change is Hard 2-2 2.2 Software Innovation Market Shares 2-6 2.2.1 IBM Cloud and Hardware Positioning 2-8 2.2.2 IBM Software Open Systems Strategy 2-9 2.2.3 IBM Has Invested In Creating Alliances And Partnerships 2-13 2.2.4 IBM Has Unique Set of Innovation Offerings 2-14 2.2.5 Hewlett Packard (HP) 2-14 2.2.6 Oracle Business Analytics 2-15 2.2.7 SAS Focused On Business Analytics 2-15 2.2.8 Microsoft 2-16 2.2.9 Adobe Systems 2-17 2.3 Software Innovation Market Forecasts 2-18 2.3.1 Software for Innovation 2-19 2.3.2 Software Innovation Infrastructure Large Size Systems Market Forecasts, Cloud Subscribers 2-22 2.3.3 Software Innovation Infrastructure Mid-Range Size Systems Market Forecasts, Cloud Subscribers 2-27 2.3.4 Software Innovation Infrastructure Small Size Systems Market Forecasts, Cloud Subscribers 2-32 2.3.5 IBM Most Active Vendor In Business Analytics 2-37 2.3.6 Innovation Drives Markets 2-38 2.4 Innovation Software Process Management Markets Forecasts 2-40 2.4.1 Software Analytics Market Forecasts 2-41 2.5 Software Innovation Regional Market Segments 2-43
3. Software Innovation Product Description 3-1
3.1 Innovation State Of Mind: Starts With A Mind Set That Is Open To New Ideas 3-1 3.1.1 Key Performance Indicators 3-3 3.1.2 Innovation to Transform Financial Processes 3-4 3.1.3 IBM Software Business Analytics Portfolio 3-7 3.1.4 Core Business Customer Needs And Capabilities Identified By IBM 3-9 3.1.5 Enabling Client Capabilities as The Foundation of Innovation 3-11 3.1.6 IBM Software Analyst Insights 3-13 3.1.7 IBM Middleware Supports Business Analytics 3-15 3.2 Use Innovation to Grow, Retain And Satisfy Customers 3-19 3.2.1 Software Operational Solutions 3-22 3.2.2 Software Helping Enable Risk-Aware Business Decisions 3-26 3.3 Improved Compliance Management 3-27 3.3.1 IBM Software Helping the Front Office To Attract, Grow And Retain Customers 3-29 3.4 IBM Watson for Healthcare 3-33 3.4.1 IBM Watson Healthcare Core Value Proposition: Efficient Decision Support 3-35 3.4.2 IBM Watson Creates an Evidence Profile 3-39 3.4.3 IBM Watson Can Provide A Far More Differentiated Testing Assessment 3-39 3.4.4 Physician Expertise Is Still Needed With Watson 3-42 3.5 Cloud Computing Positioned to Optimize IT and Business Infrastructure 3-42 3.5.1 Cloud Positioning 3-46 3.5.2 IBM Software Innovation in the Cloud Positioning 3-48 3.6 IBM Addresses the Opportunity brought by Smart Phones and Tablets 3-52 3.6.1 IBM Key Mobile Software Integration Capabilities 3-57 3.6.2 Mobile Software Capabilities and Technology Challenges 3-60 3.6.3 Mobile Business Requires An End-To-End Platform 3-63 3.6.4 IBM Mobile Enterprise Innovation 3-65 3.6.5 IBM's BYOD program 3-69 3.6.6 IBM in the App Stores 3-72 3.6.7 IBM Software Industry Specific Positioning for Mobile 3-75 3.6.8 Mobile Management and Security Imperatives and Challenges 3-80 3.7 IBM Software Support for Evolution of the Developer Experience 3-88 3.8 IBM Smarter Cities Initiatives 3-94 3.8.1 IBM Smarter Cities Initiatives For Creating Jobs, Improving Healthcare Delivery, Improving Education, Improving Safety 3-94 3.8.2 IBM Smarter Cities Solar Energy Initiative 3-95 3.9 IBM Secure Systems 3-96 3.9.1 IBM Security Privileged Identity Management 3-97 3.10 Enterprise Infrastructure: Adapting to Model Shifts 3-102 3.10.1 IBM Smarter Infrastructure Patterns Emerging, And Converging 3-105 3.10.2 Product Lifecycle Integrated Management Capabilities 3-106 3.10.3 Smarter Infrastructure 3-107 3.10.4 IBM Concentrates On Building Systems That Are Able To Adapt To Market Changes 3-109 3.11 Market Changes Include Changing Buyers 3-109 3.11.1 Testing and Retesting Complex Software 3-112 3.11.2 Utilities, Oil And Gas, Aerospace And Defense Are Asset Intensive Industries 3-113 3.11.3 IBM Sensor Technology 3-113 3.11.4 Computer Sight Sensing Proliferates 3-114 3.11.5 Computer Hearing Sensing 3-115 3.11.6 Computer Smell Sensing 3-115 3.11.7 Computer Touch Sensing 3-116 3.11.8 Computer Taste Sensing 3-117 3.12 HP Application Performance Management (APM) 3-118 3.13 Partners Healthcare Research and Evaluation Team 3-119 3.14 Microsoft 3-121 3.14.1 Microsoft Office 365 3-121 3.14.2 Windows 8 3-122 3.14.3 Microsoft Office 3-122 3.14.4 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online 3-122 3.14.5 Microsoft Office 365 3-123 3.14.6 Windows Phone 3-123 3.14.7 Bing Business Portal 3-124 3.14.8 Bing Toolbox 3-124 3.14.9 Microsoft Exchange 3-124 3.14.10 Windows Internet Explorer 9 3-125 3.14.11 Microsoft Dynamics ERP 3-125 3.14.12 Microsoft Forefront 3-125 3.14.13 Microsoft SharePoint 2010 3-126 3.14.14 Microsoft Lync 3-126 3.14.15 Microsoft Security Essentials 3-126 3.14.16 Microsoft SQL Server 2012 3-127 3.14.17 Windows Intune 3-127 3.14.18 Windows Live Messenger 3-128 3.14.19 Windows SkyDrive 3-128 3.14.20 Windows Server 2012 3-128 3.14.21 Windows Small Business Server 3-129
4. Software Innovation Technology 4-1
4.1 IBM zEnterprise System Ecosystem 4-1 4.1.1 System z Optimization 4-2 4.1.2 IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator V3 Appliance 4-3 4.1.3 System z Adapts 4-3 4.1.4 System z Energy Efficiency 4-4 4.1.5 System z: Highly Connected, Agile & Optimized Transaction Platforms 4-4 4.2 IBM Cloud 4-7 4.2.1 IBM Cloud and Pure Systems 4-8 4.3 Hardware Rapid Change and Evolution 4-13 4.4 Get The Technology Right for Innovation 4-16 4.4.1 IBM Watson 4-17 4.4.2 IBM Watson Supporting New Era Of Computing 4-23 4.4.3 IBM Watson Initiates New Era of Computing 4-24
5.1 Active Endpoints 5-1 5.2 Adobe 5-3 5.2.1 Adobe Market Presence 5-4 5.2.2 Adobe Revenue 2012 5-6 5.2.3 Adobe Systems 5-8 5.2.4 Adobe Targets Businesses And Organizations 5-9 5.2.5 Adobe Revenue 5-11 5.2.6 Adobe Systems Revenue: 5-12 5.2.7 Adobe Systems Software Tools 5-13 5.2.8 Adobe Systems Creative Solutions Business Summary 5-17 5.2.9 Adobe Knowledge Worker Market Opportunity 5-17 5.2.10 Adobe Systems Knowledge Worker Products 5-18 5.2.11 Adobe Systems Enterprise Opportunity 5-19 5.2.12 Adobe Systems Enterprise Business Summary 5-20 5.2.13 Adobe Systems Enterprise Strategy 5-20 5.2.14 Adobe Systems Process Management 5-21 5.2.15 Adobe Systems Content Services 5-22 5.2.16 Adobe Systems Knowledge Worker and Enterprise Related Products 5-23 5.3 Agile Point 5-24 5.4 Appian 5-26 5.4.1 Appian Technology 5-27 5.4.2 Appian Customers 5-28 5.5 BizAgi 5-29 5.6 Cordys 5-30 5.7 EMC 5-30 5.7.1 EMC Cloud Computing 5-30 5.7.2 EMC Big data Transforms Business 5-31 5.7.3 EMC Big Data Strategic Differentiators 5-31 5.7.4 EMC Developer Of Information Infrastructure Technology 5-32 5.7.5 EMC Velocity² Atmos Partner Program 5-33 5.7.6 EMC / VMware 5-33 5.7.7 EMC Virtual Storage 5-34 5.7.8 EMC Supports Information Technology (IT) 5-35 1.1.1 RSA Information Security 5-36 1.1.2 Information Storage Segment 5-38 1.1.3 EMC Symmetrix Systems 5-39 1.1.4 EMC CLARiiON Systems 5-39 1.1.5 EMC Celerra IP Storage Systems 5-40 1.1.6 EMC Centera Content Addressed Storage Systems 5-40 1.1.7 EMC Connectrix Directors and Switches 5-41 1.1.8 EMC Consumer and Small Business Products Division 5-41 1.1.9 EMC /Decho Corporation 5-42 1.1.10 EMC Content Management and Archiving Segment 5-43 1.1.11 EMC RSA Information Security Segment 5-44 1.1.12 EMC Global Services 5-44 1.1.13 EMC VMware Virtual Infrastructure Segment 5-45 1.1.14 EMC (NYSE: EMC) 5-48 1.1.15 EMC (NYSE: EMC) / VMware (VMW) 5-49 1.1.16 EMC Information Infrastructure Products and Offerings 5-49 1.1.17 EMC Information Storage Segment 5-50 1.1.18 EMC Acquisitions 5-53 1.1.19 EMC Big Data 5-53 1.1.20 EMC Global Services 5-54 1.1.21 EMC Technology Alliances 5-55 1.1.22 Cisco and EMC 5-56 5.8 Fujitsu Global Cloud Platform Service Powered by Microsoft Windows Azure 5-57 5.8.1 Fujitsu FGCP/A5 Cloud Service Provides Reliability, Control, And Compliance 5-59 5.8.2 Fujitsu FGCP/A5 Cloud Service Sales Target 5-60 5.8.3 Fujitsu Cloud Opportunities 5-60 5.8.4 Fujitsu Cloud Challenges 5-61 5.8.5 Fujitsu IT-Based Business Solutions 5-61 5.8.6 Fujitsu OSS/NOS 5-62 5.8.7 Fujitsu SOA 5-63 5.8.8 Fujitsu CentraSite SOA Governance 5-64 5.9 HandySoft 5-65 5.10 IBM 5-67 5.10.1 IBM Lombardi 5-67 5.10.2 IBM Revenue Q2 2012 5-67 5.10.3 IBM Business Model 5-68 5.10.4 IBM Revenue Second-Quarter 2012 5-71 5.10.5 IBM Geographic Regions Q2 2012 5-72 5.10.6 IBM Growth Markets Q2 2012 5-73 5.10.7 IBM Services Q2 2012 5-73 5.10.8 IBM Software Q2 2012 5-73 5.10.9 IBM Hardware Q2 2012 5-74 5.10.10 IBM Financing Q2 2012 5-74 5.11 Intalio 5-75 5.12 K2 5-75 5.12.1 K2 Map 5-76 5.12.2 K2 Underground 5-76 5.12.3 K2 Partners 5-76 5.13 Kofax / Singularity 5-77 5.13.1 Kofax Revenue 5-78 5.14 Lexmark International 5-79 5.14.1 Lexmark / Pallas Athena 5-80 5.15 Microsoft 5-80 5.15.1 Microsoft Key Opportunities and Investments 5-80 5.15.2 Microsoft Smart Connected Devices 5-81 5.15.3 Microsoft: Cloud Computing Transforming The Data Center And Information Technology 5-81 5.15.4 Microsoft Entertainment 5-82 5.15.5 Microsoft Search 5-83 5.15.6 Microsoft Communications And Productivity 5-83 5.15.7 Microsoft Sales 5-84 5.15.8 Microsoft / Skype 5-85 5.15.9 Skype Viral Marketing 5-86 5.15.10 Skype Strategic Relationships and Partners 5-86 5.15.11 Skype Peer-To-Peer Software Architecture 5-87 5.15.12 Skype Revenue 5-87 5.15.13 Skype Users And Financial Performance 5-88 5.15.14 Microsoft 5-89 5.15.15 Microsoft Smart Connected Devices 5-89 5.15.16 Microsoft: Cloud Computing Transforming The Data Center And Information Technology 5-90 5.16 Newgen Software Technologies 5-90 5.16.1 Newgen Software Receives Investment from SAP Ventures 5-91 5.17 OpenText 5-91
5.17.1 OpenText Strategy 5-94
5.17.2 OpenText's MBPM 5-98
5.17.3 OpenText MBPM 5-99
5.17.4 OpenText MBPM 9 Business Process Management (BPM) Solution Achieves Top Government Security Certification 5-101
5.17.5 OpenText BPM Server Integration for eDOCS 5-105
5.17.6 OpenText BPM Server Integration for eDOCS 5-105
5.17.7 OpenText BPM Server Integration for eDOCS 5-108
5.17.8 OpenText BPM Server Integration for eDOCS 5-108
5.17.9 OpenText Cloud 5-111
5.17.10 OpenText Products for SAP 5-111
5.17.11 OpenText Products for Microsoft 5-111
5.17.12 Open Text / Global 360 5-112
5.17.13 OpenText Microsoft Relationship 5-112
5.17.14 OpenText Products for Oracle 5-113
5.17.15 OpenText Products 5-113
5.17.16 OpenText Building a Business Case for BPM - A Fast Path to Results 5-118
5.17.17 OpenText Distribution Model 5-120
5.17.18 OpenText FY2012 Financial Results 5-121
5.17.19 OpenText Customer Base 5-126
5.18 Oracle 5-130
5.18.1 Oracle Revenues: 5-133
5.18.2 Oracle Acquisitions / Sun, BEA, AmberPoint 5-134
5.18.3 Oracle Fiscal 2011 Acquisitions Including Art Technology Group, Inc. (ATG), 5-135
5.18.4 Oracle Fiscal 2010 Acquisitions 5-135
5.18.5 Oracle Software Business 5-135
5.18.6 Oracle SOA 5-135
5.18.7 Oracle / Amberpoint 5-137
TABLE 5-34 ORACLE: AMBERPOINT SOA ADVANTAGES 1. Strong synergy with Oracle's Fusion Middleware stack-based applications and technology
2. Expands Oracle Enterprise Manager expertise in the Fusion Middleware SOA Management and Business Transaction Management segment
3. New capabilities for Application Discovery, Business Transaction Management and SOA Governance
4. Provide visibility and management across heterogeneous distributed system
5. Provide business monitoring for key performance metrics
6. Provide for stronger end-to-end governance that allows customers to manage the entire lifecycle of Oracle Fusion Middleware SOA based solutions
5.18.8 Oracle SOA Suite 5-138 5.18.9 Oracle JDeveloper – 5-140 5.18.10 Oracle / Stellent 5-140 5.19 Pegasystems 5-142 5.19.1 Pegasystems Process Commander Software 5-143 5.19.2 PegaSystems Target Markets 5-144 5.19.3 Pegasystems Partners 5-144 5.19.4 Pegasystems Regions 5-146 5.19.5 PegaSystems Revenue 5-147 5.19.6 PegaSystems Revenue 5-148 5.19.7 Pegasystems Health Insurer Market Participation 5-149
5.19.8 Pegasystems Supports BPM Order Management for Service Providers 5-150
5.19.9 Pegasystems Build for Change Technology 5-151
5.19.10 Pegasystems Wipro as Platinum Partner for Providing BPM Solutions to Global Customers 5-151
5.19.11 Pegasystems Q1 12 Revenue 5-152
5.19.12 Pegasystems Six Year Revenue 5-153
5.20 Polymita 5-154
5.20.1 Polymita Helps Companies In Which People Play Crucial Roles 5-155
5.21 Progress Software 5-156
5.21.1 Progress Software and FastFill Partner to Deliver First Low-latency Hosted FX Aggregation and Algo Trading Solution 5-156
5.21.2 Progress Software 5-157
5.21.3 Progress Software Revenue by Segment 5-161
5.21.4 Progress Software Delivering Operational Responsiveness 5-164
5.22 Software AG 5-165
5.22.1 Software AG Reports Stable Revenue For Fiscal Year 2011 5-167
5.22.2 Software AG Business Line Development 5-168
5.22.3 Software AG Helps Build "Hospital Of The Future" For Nemours 5-170
5.23 Tibco 5-171
5.23.1 Tibco Challenge: Big Data & Meeting the Demands of Digital Consumers 5-172
5.23.2 Harness the Power of TIBCO's Event-Enabled Enterprise Platform 5-172
5.23.3 Tibco Software Middleware And Infrastructure Software 5-173
5.23.4 Tibco Software Products 5-175
5.23.5 Tibco SOA and Core Infrastructure 5-176
5.23.6 Tibco Business Optimization 5-177
5.23.7 Tibco Process Automation And Collaboration 5-177
5.23.8 Tibco BPM Business Process Management, Software 5-178
5.23.9 Tibco Services 5-178
5.23.10 Tibco Revenue 5-179
5.23.11 TIBCO Platform 5-180
5.23.12 Tibco AcquireS LogLogic 5-180
5.23.13 Tibco / LogLogic Customer Base 5-181
5.23.14 Tibco / LogLogic 5-181
5.23.15 Tibco Infrastructure Software 5-181
5.23.16 Siemens Smart Grid Division and Tibco Software 5-181
5.23.17 Tibco Positioning 5-183
5.24 Wipro Limited 5-183
5.25 Selected Business Process Companies 5-183
List of Tables and Figures Software Innovation Executive Summary
Table ES-1 ES-3 Worldwide Enterprise Software Market Driving Forces Figure ES-2 ES-6 Comparative Value of Innovation Figure ES-3 ES-7 Software Innovation Market Driving Forces Figure ES-4 ES-8 Enterprise Software for Innovation Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2012 Figure ES-5 ES-11 Software for Innovation Market Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019
Software Innovation Market Description and Market Dynamics
Figure 1-1 1-11 Creating Stickey Customer Relationships Figure 1-2 1-12 Software for Innovation Leverages Changes in Workflow: Radiology Workflow Changes Figure 1-3 1-14 GE Market Forklift Relationships With Customers Figure 1-4 1-15 GE Market Uses Stickiness To Achieve Relationships Through Integration Figure 1-5 1-19 Software Sharing for Innovation: Multi-tenancy / Density
Software Innovation Market Shares and Market Forecasts
Table 2-1 2-2 Worldwide Enterprise Software Market Driving Forces Figure 2-2 2-3 Innovation Is Hard, Change is Hard Figure 2-3 2-4 Comparative Value of Innovation Figure 2-4 2-5 Software Innovation Market Driving Forces Figure 2-5 2-6 Enterprise Software for Innovation Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2012 Table 2-6 2-7 Enterprise Software for Innovation Market Shares, Dollars, Worldwide, 2012 Table 2-7 2-11 IBM Business Analytics Services Strengths and Challenges Figure 2-8 2-18 Software for Innovation Market Forecasts, Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-9 2-19 Software for Innovation Systems Market, Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-10 2-20 Software for Innovation Market Industry Segments, Dollars and Units, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-11 2-21 Software for Innovation Market Small, Mid Size, and Large Systems, Installed Base, Units, and Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Figure 2-12 2-23 Software Innovation Infrastructure Large Size Systems Market Forecasts, Cloud Subscribers, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-13 2-24 Software for Innovation Large Systems Market Industry Segments, Dollars and Units, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Figure 2-14 2-25 Software for Innovation Market Large Systems, Users and Dollars per User, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Tale 2-15 2-26 Software for Innovation Market Large Systems, Units and Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Figure 2-16 2-28 Software Innovation Infrastructure Mid-Range Size Systems Market Forecasts, Cloud Subscribers, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-17 2-29 Software for Innovation Mid Size Systems Market Industry Segments, Dollars and Units, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-18 2-30 Software for Innovation Market Mid Size Systems, Users and Dollars per User, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-19 2-31 Software for Innovation Market Mid-Size Systems, Units and Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Figure 2-20 2-33 Software Innovation Infrastructure Small Size Systems Market Forecasts, Cloud Subscribers, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-21 2-34 Software for Innovation Small Systems Market Industry Segments, Dollars and Units, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-22 2-35 Software for Innovation Market Small Systems, Users and Dollars per User, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-23 2-36 Software for Innovation Market Small Systems, Units and Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-24 2-39 Datacenter Optimization Cost Savings Figure 2-25 2-40 Business Process Management (BPM) Markets Forecasts Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-26 2-41 Software Analytics Market Totals, Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Table 2-27 2-42 Cloud Middleware Enterprise Market Totals, Dollars, Worldwide, 2013-2019 Figure 2-28 2-43 Software for Innovation Regional Market Segments, Dollars, 2012 Table 2-29 2-44 Software for Innovation Regional Market Segments, 2012
Software Innovation Product Description
Figure 3-1 3-1 Line of Business Organizational Analytics Flow Table 3-2 3-4 Line Of Business Strategy To Gain Competitive Advantage Table 3-3 3-5 Innovation to Transform Financial Processes Figure 3-4 3-6 IBM Support for Innovation to Transform Financial Processes Figure 3-5 3-8 IBM Software Business Analytics Portfolio Figure 3-6 3-10 IBM Software Business Analytics Turns Information into Insights Figure 3-7 3-12 Enabling Client Capabilities as The Foundation of Innovation Table 3-8 3-13 Client Capabilities Enabled by IBM Software Table 3-9 3-14 Software Analytics Benefits of Turning Information into Insights Figure 3-10 3-15 IBM Middleware Platforms Table 3-11 3-16 Turn Information Into Insights Table 3-12 3-17 Information Innovation Infrastructure Table 3-13 3-18 Change Can be Addressed with Enterprise Modernization Table 3-14 3-19 IT Aspects Leveraged to Deepen Engagement with Customers, Partners And Employees Table 3-15 3-20 Grow, Retain And Satisfy Customers Table 3-16 3-21 Innovation in Bing Responsive to Customer Systems Implementation Table 3-17 3-22 Using Software to Manage Risk, Regulation, And Compliance Figure 3-18 3-23 IBM Software Operational Solutions Table 3-19 3-24 Software Innovation Aspects Table 3-20 3-25 Software Tasks for Planning Innovation Figure 3-21 3-26 IBM Software Helping Enable Risk-Aware Business Decisions Table 3-22 3-28 Compliance Management Software Systems Modalities Supported Table 3-23 3-30 IBM Customer Analytics Solutions Benefits Figure 3-24 3-31 IBM Software Helping the Front Office To Attract, Grow And Retain Customers Table 3-25 3-32 IBM Customer Analytics Solutions Functions Figure 3-26 3-34 IBM Watson Healthcare Positioning Figure 3-27 3-36 IBM Watson Healthcare Core Value Proposition: Efficient Decision Support Table 3-28 3-37 IBM Watson's Core Value Proposition Figure 3-29 3-38 IBM Watson for Healthcare as a Natural Language Computer Figure 3-30 3-40 IBM Watson Creates a Patient Evidence Profile Table 3-31 3-43 Cloud Computing Benefits Table 3-32 3-44 Cloud Based Computing and IT Optimization Functions Table 3-33 3-45 Cloud Based Computing and IT Optimization Smarter Buildings Features Figure 3-34 3-47 Flexibility in Building, Integrating, and Consuming Cloud Applications Figure 3-35 3-49 IBM Enhancing Loosely Coupled Composition of Services Built on Open Standards Figure 3-36 3-51 IBM Smart Cloud Open Systems, Enterprise Class Platform for Cloud and Optimized Workloads Figure 3-37 3-53 IBM Mobile First Capabilities and Technology Challenges Table 3-38 3-54 Mobile Business End-To-End Platform Requirements Table 3-39 3-55 Mobile Business End-To-End Platform Key Capabilities Figure 3-49 3-56 Mobile Business End-To-End Platform Key Capabilities Table 3-50 3-59 IBM Key Mobile Software Integration Capabilities Figure 3-51 3-61 IBM Mobile Software Capabilities and Technology Challenges Table 3-52 3-62 IBM Mobile Capabilities and Technology Challenges Table 3-53 3-63 Cloud-Hosted Mobile Services Figure 3-54 3-65 IBM Mobile Lifecycle Positioning Table 3-55 3-67 IBM Mobile Enterprise Innovation Achievements Figure 3-56 3-68 IBM Software Mobile Momentum Table 3-57 3-70 IBM's BYOD program Figure 3-58 3-71 IBM Positioned To Manage Architecture Of Mobile And Personal Devices In The Workplace Table 3-3-59 3-72 IBM And Partner Apps Are Available In App Stores Table 3-60 3-73 IBM Social Apps User Downloads (excluding email) Table 3-61 3-73 IBM Mobile Software Packages Figure 3-62 3-76 IBM Software Industry Specific Positioning for Mobile Table 3-63 3-77IBM Software Mobile Insights and Analytics Business and Applications Software Table 3-64 3-78 IBM Software Mobile Business Strategy Functions Supporting Innovation Figure 3-65 3-79 IBM Moving From Mobile Development To Production With Speed and Agility Figure 3-66 3-81 Mobile Management and Security Imperatives and Challenges Table 3-67 3-82 Aspects of IBM Positioning for Mobile Security Software Table 3-68 3-83 IBM Mobile Security Software Functions Figure 3-69 3-84 IBM Security Access Manager Functions Table 3-70 3-86 IBM Mobile Builds or Migrates Partner Solutions to Platforms Table 3-71 3-87 IBM Innovation Spurred by Management of Mobile Devices And Apps Table 3-72 3-89 IBM Software Measures of Success of Support for Evolution of the Developer Experience: Figure 3-73 3-90 IBM Working with Developers, Architects, Designers, Administrators Figure 3-74 3-91 IBM Strategic Approach to Software Innovation Table 3-75 3-92 IBM Fostering Innovation And Measuring Success With Its Software Table 3-76 3-93 The IBM Technical Community Is Able To Grow Their Social Clout &Networking Reach to the Worldwide Developer Community Figure 3-77 3-95 IBM Smarter Cities Solar Energy Initiative Table 3-78 3-96 Smarter Cities Solar Energy Initiative Figure 3-79 3-97 IBM Secure Systems Table 3-80 3-98 IBM Security Functions Table 3-81 3-99 IBM Security Functions For Cloud And Mobile Data protection InfoSphere Guardium Table 3-82 3-100 IBM Security Features Figure 3-83 3-101 IBM Multipronged Security Strategy Figure 3-84 3-103 IBM Smarter Infrastructure Table 3-85 3-104 Examples of Business Reduction in Costs And Efficiency Figure 3-86 3-105 IBM Smarter Infrastructure Patterns Emerging, And Converging
Figure 3-87 3-108
IBM Integrations Enable Value Creation Across The Entire Lifecycle
Figure 3-88 3-112
Challenges Brought By Innovation
Table 3-89 3-118
HP Application Performance Management (APM) on SaaS Key Benefits
Table 3-90 3-119
HP Application Performance Management (APM) on SaaS Key Benefits
Software Innovation Technology Figure 4-1 4-1
IBM zEnterprise System Ecosystem at End of 2012
Table 4-2 4-5
IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Functions
Figure 4-3 4-7
IBM Cloud Flexibility and Integration Support
Table 4-4 4-8
IBM PureApplication Speedy App Delivery Functions
Figure 4-5 4-9
IBM IBM PureSystems Simplicity, Speed, and Lower Cost
Figure 4-6 4-10
IBM PureSystems Functions
Table 4-7 4-11
IBM PureSystems Features
Figure 4-8 4-12
IBM PureSystems Hybrid Management
Table 4-9 4-13
IBM PureSystems Management
Table 4-10 4-14
IBM Technology Adaptation
Figure 4-11 4-15
IBM Technology Improvements for Messaging Throughputs
Table 4-12 4-17
IBM Watson Uses
Table 4-13 4-19
IBM Watson Uses of Classes Of Cognitive Systems
Figure 4-14 4-20
IBM Watson Reference Architecture Functions
Table 4-15 4-21
IBM Watson Order Of Search
Figure 4-16 4-22
IBM Watson Underlying Architecture
Figure 4-17 4-23
Watson Solutions Build on Set of Repeatable Assets
Figure 4-18 4-24
IBM Watson Initiates New Era of Computing
Figure 4-19 4-26
IBM Watson Different Types of Keyword Evidence Used to
Create a Natural Language Computer
Software Innovation Company Profiles Figure 5-1 5-2
Active Endpoints Workflow for BPM
Figure 5-2 5-29
Appian Customers
Table 5-3 5-50
EMC Storage Systems Environment Types
Table 5-4 5-63
Fujitsu CentraSite SOA Product Suite Features
Table 5-5 5-65
Fujitsu CentraSite SOA Management Information
Table 5-6 5-66
Handisoft BPM Application Packages
Table 5-7 5-92
OpenText Positioning
Table 5-8 5-94
OpenText Strategy
Figure 5-9 5-95
OpenText Growth Strategy
Table 5-10 5-96
OpenText BPM Strategy
Table 5-11 5-97
OpenText's Business Process Management Products Functions:
Table 5-12 5-99
OpenText MBPM Business Functions:
Table 5-13 5-103
OpenText BPM Integration Features
Table 5-14 5-104
Opentext BPM Features
Table 5-15 5-105
OpenText BPM Server Integration for eDOCS Benefits
Table 5-16 5-106
OpenText BPM Server Integration for eDOCS Integration Features
Table 5-17 5-107
OpenText BPM Features
Table 5-18 5-114
OpenText - Product Category -
Table 5-19 5-116
OpenText Product Family
Table 5-20 5-117
Opentext Ecosystem
Table 5-21 5-118
OpenText Embraces Established Brands
Table 5-22 5-119
Business Process Management Functions
Figure 5-23 5-120
OpenText Distribution Model
Figure 5-24 5-121
OpenText Seven Year Revenue Growth
Figure 5-25 5-122
Fiscal Year 2012 Financial Highlights
Figure 5-26 5-123
OpenText.Fiscal Year 2012 Revenue by Industry and Geography
Figure 5-27 5-124
OpenText Market Opportunity and Growth
Figure 5-28 5-126
OpenText Cloud Services
Figure 5-29 5-127
OpenText Enterprise Information Management in the Cloud
Figure 5-30 5-128
OpenText Enterprise Secure File Sharing in the Cloud
Figure 5-31 5-129
OpenText Customer Base
Table 5-32 5-136
Oracle SOA Positioning
Table 5-33 5-136
Oracle's Open, Integrated SOA Stack
Table 5-34 5-137
Oracle: Amberpoint SOA Advantages
Table 5-35 5-138
Oracle SOA Suite Features
Table 5-36 5-139
Oracle SOA Product Suite:
Table 5-37 5-141
Oracle / Stellent Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Software Solutions
Table 5-38 5-145
Pegasystems Partner Functions
Table 5-39 5-146
Pegasystems Partners
Figure 5-40 5-160
Progress Software Product Set
Figure 5-41 5-161
Progress Software Revenue by Segment
Figure 5-42 5-164
Progress Software Delivering Operational Responsiveness
Table 5-43 5-167
Software AG Capabilities
Figure 5-44 5-174
Tibco Software Middleware And Infrastructure Software
Table 5-45 5-176
TIBCO Software Platform Major Groups
To order this report:[ IT_Hosting Industry ]: [ Software Innovation Market ]
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[ http://www.reportlinker.com ]