KPN and E-Plus Group Modernize Voice Messaging Platform for Their Subscribers Using Unisys VoiceSource Express Platform
KPN and E-Plus Group Modernize Voice Messaging Platform for Their Subscribers... -- BLUE BELL, Pa., June 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
KPN and E-Plus Group Modernize Voice Messaging Platform for Their Subscribers Using Unisys VoiceSource Express Platform
New platform hosts voice services for subscribers in the Netherlands and Germany
BLUE BELL, Pa., June 13, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Unisys Corporation (NYSE: [ UIS ]), a supplier of high-volume messaging solutions to some of the world's largest telecommunications service providers, announced completion of a project to modernize the voicemail solution used in the Netherlands by KPN and in Germany by the E-Plus Group, a wholly-owned KPN subsidiary.
The new platform, based on the [ Unisys VoiceSource Express (VSE) family ] of value-added messaging solutions, is located in Germany and hosts voice services for both businesses. KPN is the leading telecommunications and ICT service provider in the Netherlands; E-Plus is a leading mobile telecommunications provider in Germany.
The E-Plus Group chose the Unisys solution for its reliability and its capabilities to support possible new subscriber services such as visual voicemail and voicemail-to-text. Additionally, Unisys was able to provide a seamless migration to the new platform, including the transfer of all subscriber messages without service interruption or downtime.
"Voicemail is a very important part of our core subscriber services and subscriber satisfaction is one of our key measures of our success," says Christoph Bladoschewski, Department Manager Voice & Services at E-Plus. "The key reasons we chose Unisys are the high scalability and availability of the VSE platform and the potential it gives us to create and deliver innovative, revenue-generating services to serve subscribers more effectively."
"We are delighted at the opportunity to create a cross-border voice-messaging solution for the KPN group," says Ralf Seyer, Managing Director at Unisys Information Services GmbH in Germany. "Drawing on decades of experience in the telecom market, Unisys is delivering an innovative solution based on a mission-critical platform that can give KPN new ways to accommodate business growth and provide flexibility in delivering voice services to its subscribers."
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