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Thu, April 19, 2012
Wed, April 18, 2012

Encouraging Initial Assay Results in Guinea

Published on 2012-04-18 23:44:25 - Market Wire
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April 19, 2012 02:00 ET

Encouraging Initial Assay Results in Guinea

 Forte Energy NL ACN 009 087 852 ASX, AIM and Media Release 19th April 2012 Encouraging Initial Assay Results in Guinea International uranium company Forte Energy NL (ASX/AIM: FTE; "Forte Energy" or "the Company") is pleased to announce that they have received initial assay results for the Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling programme completed on 1st February 2012 at the Firawa project, in Guinea. The Firawa drilling programme included 63 holes, totalling 4,712m, of which 38 holes have been assayed. Assay results have been received from the Stewart Group laboratories in Ireland for the first 16 holes and remaining results are expected in May 2012 Highlights * Notable intersections include: - FRW 200: 32m @ 359ppm U308 and 13m @ 347ppm U308 - FRW 201: 17m @ 364ppm U308 - FRW 202: 8m @ 585ppm U308 - FRW 203: 9m @ 402ppm U308 - FRW 213: 8m @ 347ppm U308 - FRW 216: 16m @628ppm U308 - FRW 217: 18m @344ppm U308 * Assay results from 9 holes have confirmed the continuity of the mineralisation in the central area, which had not been accessible previously. * The Firawa resource update remains on schedule for the end of Q2 2012. * Remaining assay results for Firawa and Bohoduo expected in May. To view Figure 1: Guinea Licences, please open the following link in a new window: [ ] The RC drilling program at the Firawa Project was completed in February with a total of 63 holes drilled, totalling 4,712m. The programme included 14 holes in the central section, which had not been accessible previously, 24 holes to the east and 25 holes to the west to test the potential extensions along strike. To view Figure 2: Firawa RC drill hole locations, please open the following link in a new window: [ ] Samples have been prepared for 38 of the drilled holes and were sent to the Stewart Group Omac laboratories in Ireland for assaying. Assay results have been received from the first 16 holes drilled, predominantly in the central area and are summarised below in table 1. Table 1: Summary of Firawa Assay Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole Id East North Inclination From To Interval Average WGS84 WGS84 (Degrees) (m) (m) (m) U308 (ppm) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW200 411450 1017880 50 14 26 1 485 27 28 1 265 30 31 1 248 36 68 32 359 70 83 13 347 88 89 1 262 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW201 411550 1017910 50 10 11 1 207 12 13 1 245 14 15 1 202 17 34 17 364 76 78 2 265 80 81 1 254 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW202 411600 1017950 50 10 11 1 247 13 14 1 316 26 34 8 585 48 50 2 332 60 62 2 413 71 75 4 445 83 84 1 265 89 92 3 419 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW203 411700 1017975 50 26 27 1 255 29 38 9 402 58 61 3 346 62 63 1 331 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW204 411800 1018025 50 48 54 6 292 56 57 1 322 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW205 411900 1018025 7 8 1 205 121 127 6 480 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW207 412310 1018000 50 35 36 1 461 59 60 1 206 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW209 412200 1018060 50 26 27 1 213 51 52 1 250 54 55 1 203 58 59 1 236 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW213 413700 1018150 50 5 13 8 347 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW216 411600 1017955 80 32 37 5 357 41 42 1 461 43 46 3 461 47 49 2 322 51 52 1 221 62 78 16 628 79 80 1 232 81 83 2 303 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRW217 411550 1017930 50 26 44 18 334 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The assay results from the 8 holes drilled in the central area have confirmed the continuity of the mineralisation over 1km. The two holes FFW 202 and 203 have both confirmed mineralisation to the north east of the central area with intermittent mineralisation from 10m below surface down to 92m. Encouraging assay results were found in hole FRW 213, approximately 1.5km to the east of the central area, where mineralisation was identified from 5m below surface down to 13m, grading 8m at 347ppm U308. Further assay results are expected in May from the remaining 22 sampled holes at Firawa and the 9 sampled holes at Bohoduo. During this period CSA Global consultants will be upgrading the Firawa resource model and are scheduled to complete the update by the end of the second quarter. Commenting on the initial assay results from Firawa, Mark Reilly, Managing Director of Forte Energy said: "The results so far are pleasing and confirm continuity of mineralisation in the central area. We look forward to receiving the remainder of the Guinea assay results and incorporating them into a revised JORC resource estimate for the Firawa project that remains on schedule to be released towards the end of this quarter". Mark Reilly Managing Director For further information contact: Mark Reilly, Managing Director Forte Energy NL Tel: +44 (0) 203 3849555 Rob Collins/Tarica Mpinga Canaccord Genuity Limited Tel: +44 (0) 207 050 6500 Bobby Morse/Louise Hadcocks/Cornelia Browne Buchanan Tel: +44 (0) 207 466 5000 Stuart Laing RFC Corporate Finance Ltd Tel: +61 (0) 8 9480 2506 (AIM Nominated Adviser to the Company) Forte Energy NL Australia United Kingdom Suite 3, Level 3 3C Princes House 1292 Hay Street 38 Jermyn Street West Perth WA 6005 London SW1Y6DN Ph: +61 (0)8 9322 4071 Ph: +44 (0)203 3847474 Fax: +61 (0)8 9322 4073 Fax: +44 (0)207 2878387 Email: [ ] Email: [ ] Web: [ ] About Forte Energy Forte Energy is an Australian-based minerals company focused on the exploration and development of uranium and associated bi-products in Mauritania and Guinea in West Africa. The Company has an extensive pipeline of assets and total JORC resources of 64.2Mt @ 262ppm U3O8for 37.0Mlbs contained U3O8 (100ppm cut-off). Its flagship assets are the A238 prospect (23.4Mlbs U3O8) and the Bir En Nar project (2.06Mlbs U3O8) in Mauritania, and the Firawa project in Guinea (11.6Mlb U3O8). Forte Energy U3O8 JORC resources (all at a 100ppm cut-off): --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project Resource Category M tonnes ppm U3O8 Contained U3O8 Mlbs --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A238* Inferred 45.2 235 23.4 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bir En Nar Indicated 0.55 886 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferred 0.78 575 1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Firawa Inferred 17.7 296 11.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Indicated 0.5 886 1.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inferred 63.7 256 36.0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 64.2 262 37.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A238NW Anomaly included in the A238 Inferred Resources Forte Energy's strategy is to target high grade uranium ore bodies and build a low cost West African- focused uranium producer. The Company is quoted on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX: FTE) and AIM market of the London Stock Exchange (AIM: FTE). For more information, visit [ ] Note: The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson, who is a Member of the European Federation of Geologists, a 'Recognised Overseas Professional Organisation' ('ROPO') included in a list promulgated by the ASX from time to time. Mr Gustafsson is a full time Technical Director of Forte Energy NL and is responsible for exploration activities in Mauritania and Guinea. Mr. Gustafsson has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Mr. Gustafsson consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. The information in this report that relates to the Mineral Resource at the A238 prospect in Mauritania is based on information compiled by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson of Forte Energy NL and Mr Galen White BSc (Hons) FGS, FAUSIMM, Principal Geologist of CSA Global Inc (UK). The information in this report that relates to the Mineral Resource at Bir En Nar in Mauritania is based on information compiled by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson of Forte Energy NL and Mr. Neil Inwood of Coffey Mining Ltd. Neil Inwood is the Competent Person responsible for the resource estimation and classification. Mr Inwood is a Fellow of the AusIMM. As Mr Inwood is now no longer employed by Coffey Mining, Coffey Mining has reviewed this information release and consent to the inclusion, form and context of the relevant information herein as derived from the original resource reports for which Mr Inwood's consent has previously been given. The information in this report that relates to the Mineral Resource at Firawa in Guinea is based on information compiled by Mr. Bosse Gustafsson of Forte Energy NL and Mr. Doug Corley BSc (Hons) MAIG, R.P. Geo (Mining) of Coffey Mining Ltd. Mr. Gustafsson, Mr. Corley, Mr. Inwood and Mr. White have sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which they have undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the "Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves". Mr. Gustafsson, Mr. Corley and Mr. White consent to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on their information in the form and context in which it appears.