This fact is why so many companies will force you to have a complex alphanumeric password that fulfills a list of requirements, why it's suggested that you don't use a single password on a number of platforms,
The article from TechRadar discusses the overwhelming challenge of managing multiple passwords in the digital age and how password managers can alleviate this issue. It explains that with the increasing number of online accounts, remembering unique and secure passwords for each becomes nearly impossible, leading to poor password practices like using simple or repeated passwords. Password managers offer a solution by generating, retrieving, and securely storing complex passwords for every account. They encrypt this data, ensuring that even if the manager's database were compromised, the passwords would remain secure. The article highlights features like auto-filling login information, syncing across devices, and the ability to share passwords securely. It also addresses common concerns such as security, ease of use, and the potential for a single point of failure, reassuring readers that reputable password managers have robust security measures in place. The piece concludes by suggesting that using a password manager not only enhances security but also significantly reduces the cognitive load of remembering numerous passwords.