GPS Shoes Expand into Canada -- LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 16, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- [ GTX Corp ] (OTCBB: GTXO), a leader in customizable, patented 2-way GPS solutions, has announced today that its award winning, patented GPS tracking "Smart Shoe" will be commercially available in Canada this month. The shoes, known as the "[ Aetrex Navistar™ GPS Shoes ]",currently made under license by Aetrex Worldwide, Inc. ("Aetrex"), a global manufacturer and leader in comfort footwear, will be distributed by Safe Tracks GPS Solutions, Inc. [ ("Safe Tracks") ], a GPS electronic monitoring and safety solution provider throughout Canada.
The Aetrex Navistar™ GPS Shoes, powered by GTX Corp, go on sale in Canada this month through Safe Track's e-commerce Website, [ www.safetracksgps.ca ]. Further, Canada's largest GSM cell phone provider, with over 9.2 million users servicing 95% of Canada's population, will be the Canadian wireless provider for the GPS Shoes.
"We have been following the development of the GPS Smart Shoes and GTX since their U.S. launch last year. Combining the Smart Shoe with our easy-to-use, web-based software solution, will give end users an experience previously unavailable in the Canadian Marketplace. Safe Tracks is proud to offer this new solution to Canadians, especially for the Alzheimer's and Dementia demographics," stated Bob Aloisio Director of Business Development at Safe Tracks.
According to the Alzheimer's Society in Toronto, an estimated 500,000 Canadians have Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia condition, and within a generation, that number will more than double, ranging between 1 and 1.3 million people. The impact of Alzheimer's and related dementias involves the sufferer's entire family, and thus affects far more than the half million people who have been actually diagnosed with the disease. Alzheimer's disease is the second most feared disease for Canadians as they age.
The patented GTX Corp technology in the Aetrex Navistar™ GPS Shoes enable wearers to be monitored remotely, there by helping to ensure their safety, providing peace of mind to their caregivers, and reducing the cost of more frequent human oversight. The GPS Shoes are embedded with a miniaturized proprietary module, which contains the locator's integrated GPS / Cellular chipset and the SIM card that is unique to each wearer. The GPS Shoes will communicate via Roger's Canada cellular network, and send location coordinates via a wireless data connection, similar to sending SMS messages on a cell phone. If the wearer of the GPS Shoes wanders outside of a pre-set location determined by the caregiver, an SMS or e -mail message will alert the caregiver instantly.
The GPS Shoes have been heralded by healthcare and technology authorities around the world, and are featured in the "[ 100 Most Important Inventions of Mankind ]" exhibit in the National Museum of Science and Technology in Sweden.
"The GPS Shoes are a simple solution to a growing problem. Other devices are either too complicated or tend to be rejected by the Alzheimer's and Dementia sufferers, but the Aetrex Navistar GPS Shoes have proven to be a more friendly and reliable means of keeping track of those who wander. As a result, Alzheimer's sufferers who wear the Shoes are receiving better care and enjoying a more flexible lifestyle, while the cost of supervision they require is reduced," stated Andrew Duncan , GTX Corp's head of International licensing.
About [ GTX Corp (GTXO) ]- The leader in enterprise 2 way GPS real-time personal location services (PLS) was founded in 2002 and is based in Los Angeles, California with distributors in Mexico, Australia, Nepal, Ireland and Canada and customers in 161 countries. GTX Corp utilizes the latest in miniaturized, low power consumption technology and offers a robust [ enterprise GPS and cellular location platform ] to track in real time the whereabouts of people, pets, vehicles and high valued assets. Answering the "where is" question through a licensing business model and providing a complete end to end solution of hardware, middleware, apps, connectivity and professional services. Letting you know where someone or something is at the touch of a button, GTX Corp also owns and operates [ LOCiMOBILE, Inc ]which develops applications for smart phones and tablets, [ Code Amber News Service ], and [ Code Amber Alertag ]. The Company has an aggressive intellectual property strategy and owns an extensive portfolio of patents, patents pending, registered trade marks, copy rights and URL's.
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[ About Aetrex Worldwide, Inc ]. - Aetrex Worldwide, Inc. is widely recognized as the global leader in comfort and wellness footwear products. With fashion, function and quality at the forefront, Aetrex designs and manufactures therapeutic, casual, dress, sandal and athletic footwear for both men and women. Aetrex also developed iStep, the world's leading digital foot scanning technology, designed to accurately measure feet and determine foot type and pressure points. It is also renowned for its over-the-counter Lynco Orthotics, the world's #1 foot orthotic system. The New Jersey-based Corporation was recently named one of New Jersey's Top 100 Privately Held Companies and one of NJBIZ's Top 30 Manufacturing Companies. It has remained privately owned by the Schwartz family for three generations. For additional information, please visit [ www.aetrex.com ].
SafeTracks GPS Solutions was founded in 2009 with the mandate of increasing both public and personal safety and independence with the use of GPS and other Communications. SafeTracks has quickly become a leader in Canada in Offender Electronic Monitoring and Personal GPS Safety Systems for applications from Dementia to Work Alone Personal Safety. SafeTracks innovative thinking will ensure they are a leader of GPS based tracking devices as the industry evolves. Our current product line will allow us to penetrate this universal market quickly and efficiently. Our valued partners include the following high profile companies; Rogers Wireless, Northern 911 Emergency Monitoring Service and various software providers. SafeTracks GPS has built a reputation at being at the forefront of cutting edge technologies.
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