NI Direct Injector Driver System Enables Intelligent Fuel Delivery
NI Direct Injector Driver System Enables Intelligent Fuel Delivery -- AUSTIN, Texas, April 23, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --
AUSTIN, Texas, April 23, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- National Instruments (Nasdaq: [ NATI ]) today announced the [ NI Direct Injector Driver System ], a full solution for engine control that are delivered to the customer ready to use. Digital command signals from an ECU are read on an NI 9411 digital input module and interpreted in a software application loaded on an NI CompactRIO controller. These digital commands are then used to schedule output signals from Drivven DI Driver modules to direct injectors.
NI DI Driver Systems come in 3-, 6-, 9- and 12-channel versions (2, 4, 6 and 8 channels, respectively, when used with piezoelectric DIs). System accessories include NI 9215 and Drivven Port Fuel Injector Driver modules so engineers can add rail fuel pressure control, synchronous pump control, analog input measurements and more.
"The NI Direct Injector Driver System has saved us thousands of dollars in development costs as a piezoelectric injector control system for our V8 diesel research engine," said Aakash Puntambekar , senior engineer for combustion system development at Navistar. "It is flexible, robust, accurate and consistent among all cylinders."
Dr. Daniel Singleton , professor of electrical engineering at the University of Southern California, added, "The product value of NI's engine control and test products is greatly enhanced by terrific customer support. With the help of NI engineers, we rapidly and efficiently implemented the NI DI Driver System for our diesel research."
Additional Resources
Product:[ http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/210732 ]
NI Engine Control Solutions:[ www.ni.com/engine-control ]
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Since 1976, National Instruments ([ www.ni.com ]) has equipped engineers and scientists with tools that accelerate productivity, innovation and discovery. NI's graphical system design approach to engineering provides an integrated software and hardware platform that speeds the development of any system needing measurement and control. The company's long-term vision and focus on improving society through its technology supports the success of its customers, employees, suppliers and shareholders.
CompactRIO, National Instruments, NI and ni.com are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
Editor Contact: Julia Betts , (512) 683-8165
SOURCE National Instruments
[ http://www.ni.com ]