Global Technologies Group, Inc. Final Run Results at Cement Plant
December 04, 2012 10:32 ET
Global Technologies Group, Inc. Final Run Results at Cement Plant
SARASOTA, FL--(Marketwire - Dec 4, 2012) - Global (
This run was conducted under various conditions which included different temperatures within the baghouse as well as percentages of run time and the percentages of MBS added to the stream. It showed the optimum conditions for the mercury capture from the gasses which exceed the 98% requirement for mercury capture by the EPA.
This final verified report that we have been looking forward to since the run took place now enables Global to move forward both in the United States and abroad for use both in cement plants as well as power plants.
Global Technologies Group, Inc. (GLOBAL) is a company that is in the business of acquiring exclusive licenses and distribution and reseller contracts on proven technologies in the environmental, green and war fighter industries. The criteria for the licensing or distribution agreements of the technologies are: they must be proven, validated and in use. The business plan of Global is to sublicense the technologies it acquires to companies in Countries covered under the original license grants and for its own use. For our exclusive distribution and reseller agreements, we partner with appropriate representatives in the covered countries for resale of turn key projects. Solucorp Industries is the patent holder and licensor of the MBS/IFS2C technology.
Date: December 3, 2012
MBS Full-Scale Test Run Data Analysis
Molecular Bonding System testing was performed at the MSE Technology Applications, Inc. (MSE) test facility earlier in 2012. That testing proved that MBS when combined with powdered activated carbon (PAC) or used independently removed considerably more mercury from a gas stream than when PAC was used alone. The testing also proved that MBS did not generate any acid gasses, NOx or SOx. Because of this test information, a full-scale test that combined MBS with PAC was performed at a cement plant in August 2012.
Full-Scale Testing
The data generated from the full-scale test of MBS in the cement plant baghouse has been analyzed to better understand the processes that occurred during that test sequence. The approximate quantities of MBS and PAC that were present in the carbon baghouse during the test sequence are presented in Table 1.
Table 1. Baghouse Quantities for MBS and PAC. | ||||
Exchange Date | Post exchange ~ % PAC | Post exchange ~ % MBS | ||
8/7/2012 | 90.81 | 9.19 | ||
8/10/2012 | 90.48 | 9.52 | ||
8/14/2012 | 90.29 | 9.71 | ||
8/17/2012 | 86.77 | 13.23 | ||
8/21/2012 | 83.15 | 16.85 | ||
The raw data that was generated during the test sequence is presented in Table 2.
Table 2. MBS Full-Scale Test Data. | ||||
Test Date | Percent Mercury Removal | Percent Raw Mill Runtime | ||
8/6/2012 | 90.94 | 88.64 | ||
8/7/2012 | 97.56 | 92.07 | ||
8/8/2012 | 98.08 | 87.87 | ||
8/9/2012 | 97.08 | 70.05 | ||
8/10/2012 | 98.69 | 100.00 | ||
8/11/2012 | 98.36 | 100.00 | ||
8/12/2012 | 97.98 | 100.00 | ||
8/13/2012 | 97.81 | 100.00 | ||
8/14/2012 | 97.60 | 95.18 | ||
8/15/2012 | 95.08 | 67.55 | ||
8/16/2012 | 98.42 | 100.00 | ||
8/17/2012 | 98.48 | 100.00 | ||
8/18/2012 | 98.02 | 98.33 | ||
8/19/2012 | 97.68 | 98.81 | ||
8/20/2012 | 93.25 | 62.24 | ||
8/21/2012 | 98.56 | 96.50 | ||
8/22/2012 | 96.87 | 63.46 | ||
8/23/2012 | 97.13 | 27.12 | ||
The raw test data is also presented graphically in Figure 1 to show the correlation between raw mill downtime and mercury removal. When the raw mill is shut down for maintenance or other reasons, the amount of mercury going into the carbon bughouse increases and so does the gas temperature. As can be seen from the data presented the removal of mercury ranged from a low value of 93.25 to a high value of 98.69 percent. Notice the last two data points for mercury removal and raw mill runtime when the amount of MBS was at ~ 16.85 percent of the total volume in the carbon baghouse. Even though the raw mill was down for substantial amounts of time, the mercury removal remained at approximately 97 percent. These mercury removal numbers are higher than on August 15th and 20th when the raw mill runtime was 67.55 and 62.24 percent and mercury removal was at 95.08 and 93.25 percent, respectively.
The chemical processes that occur within the off-gas system at the facility are not specifically known, but we can assume the following -- The mercury contained in the off-gas is present as several species that include elemental mercury, ionized mercury, and halogenated mercury. Upon reaching the carbon baghouse, these species are sorbed onto the carbon or chemically react with MBS.
Mercury compounds, including those sorbed to carbon, all exhibit certain amounts of volatilization, which increases with increasing temperature. When the raw mill is running, the average temperatures in the carbon baghouse range from 220 to 225 °F and increase to between 255 and 260 °F when the raw mill is down. The quantity of mercury entering the carbon baghouse also increases at these times due to a number of factors including the increase in mercury volatility with increasing temperature throughout the system. The quantity of mercury escaping from the carbon baghouse also increases during these times because of the volatilization of mercury previously sorbed to the carbon.
Different forms of mercury exhibit different volatilities with change in temperature. Of the probable mercury compounds that should exist at in the baghouse, elemental mercury is the least stable and strongly volatilizes from carbon at 190 °F. Mercury sulfide, the compound formed by reactions of MBS with mercury species, does not volatilize appreciably until a temperature of 350 °F is reached. As such, mercury sulfide's volatilization temperature is well above the temperatures reached in the carbon baghouse, indicating that mercury would not volatilize from mercury sulfide compounds at temperatures encountered during raw mill down time. Therefore, it would be beneficial to increase the quantity of mercury sulfide that is formed within the carbon baghouse. Since the quantity of mercury entering the carbon baghouse is fixed by processes external to that baghouse, increasing the quantity of fresh MBS and the percentage of sulfide reagent within the MBS would increase the quantity of mercury sulfide formed on the surface of the bags and decrease the amount of mercury released from the baghouse at higher temperatures.
MBS can remove very significant quantities of mercury from the cement plant off-gas within the carbon baghouse and not release that mercury during those periods when the raw mill is not operating. If MBS was added at higher doses than what was added during the full-scale run, the mercury removal from the off-gas should be higher than the values realized during the full-scale test.