Euronews Next takes a look back at the first week of President Trump's mandate to see what changes are coming for technology.
The article from Euronews outlines the executive orders signed by Donald Trump during his first week in office in 2017, focusing on those that had significant implications for the technology sector. Key actions included an order to reduce regulations, which aimed to ease the burden on businesses, including tech companies, by requiring two regulations to be eliminated for every new one introduced. Another notable order was the withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which had implications for digital trade and intellectual property rights. Trump also signed an order to expedite environmental reviews for high-priority infrastructure projects, potentially affecting tech companies involved in such projects. Additionally, there was an emphasis on cybersecurity with an executive order to strengthen the cybersecurity of federal networks and critical infrastructure, indirectly influencing tech firms involved in cybersecurity solutions. These actions set the tone for Trump's administration's approach to technology policy, emphasizing deregulation, national security, and a shift in international trade relations.