Xu Zhilong, editor-in-chief of Science and Technology Daily, stressed that AI, as a revolutionary technology, has far-reaching impacts on all areas of society and economy. However, its potential risks such as data leakage and the spread of false ...
The article from Taiwan News discusses the ongoing debate over the potential release of treated radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean. Japan has been considering this option as a solution to manage the contaminated water stored at the site since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The plan involves treating the water to remove most radioactive elements except tritium, which would be diluted before release. This proposal has met with significant opposition from local fishermen, neighboring countries like South Korea and China, and environmental groups due to concerns over marine life, food safety, and the ocean's health. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been involved, reviewing the plan's safety, but there remains considerable public and international skepticism about the long-term environmental and health impacts. The article highlights the tension between economic considerations, environmental safety, and international relations, with Japan's government and TEPCO, the plant's operator, facing a complex decision.