Millersville University is a target of a federal Office for Civil Rights complaint filed by a Rhode Island-based nonprofit claiming it and three other Pennsylvania state schools racially and ethnicall
The article from LancasterOnline discusses a federal complaint filed by the Equal Protection Project (EPP) against Millersville University and three other Pennsylvania state universities (Shippensburg, Slippery Rock, and East Stroudsburg) for alleged racial discrimination. The complaint, lodged with the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, claims that these institutions have implemented race-based scholarships and programs that exclude white students, thereby violating Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Specifically, the EPP points out that Millersville University's "People of Color First-Year Experience" program and other similar initiatives at the universities are discriminatory. The complaint seeks to have these programs either opened to all students regardless of race or discontinued. The universities have not yet responded to the allegations, but the issue highlights ongoing debates about race-conscious policies in higher education.