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Publications in:
Science and Technology

Tue, May 16, 2017
[ 20:50pm UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Dexia and Cognizant in Exclusive Talks f .. nd Business Process Services
Mon, May 8, 2017
[ 03:14am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Pivotal and Cognizant to Accelerate Adop .. ise-Scale Cloud Applications
Fri, March 31, 2017
[ 05:19am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Cognizant Names Betsy Atkins and John Dineen to Board of Directors
Wed, March 8, 2017
[ 03:00am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Orbotech's SPTS Technologies Accelerates .. h Order from JCAP Corporatio
Wed, January 25, 2017
[ 06:00am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Pepperdine University Partners with 2U, .. r Two Online Degree Programs
Thu, October 6, 2016
[ 09:11am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Spire Technologies Inc. lanza una plataf .. alojamientos de estudiantes
[ 05:12am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Grand Chip Investment GmbH Announces Interim Results of Takeover Offer
[ 02:42am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Mobile Gaming Stocks Capitalize on Blist .. Rise in the Gaming Industry
[ 01:55am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Research Reports Coverage on Business So .. Aspen Technology, and Kingto
[ 01:27am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
RADCOM to Publish Q3 Results on Tuesday November 1, 2016
Wed, October 5, 2016
[ 23:42pm UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Application Software Stocks Technical Re .. Endurance Intl., and Zendesk
[ 03:56am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
IT Services Stocks Under Scanner -- 21Vi .. c., CDW Corp., and NCR Corp.
[ 03:40am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Technical Roundup on Wireless Communicat .. biquiti Networks, and CalAmp
[ 02:57am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Telecom Services Stocks Under Review -- .. munications, and CenturyLink
[ 02:40am UTC ] - Country: United States, Market Wire
Cyber Apps World (OTC: CYAP) Submits Sav .. App Store for IOS Market Rel

Science and Technology

Welcome to our Science and Technology News Section. If you own a subscription to Discover Magazine and like to watch the Discovery Channel on TV, then this section is for you. If the Hubble Space Telescope captures something interesting in its cross hairs, we'll let you know. On the other end of the scale, if you want to find out what the latest thing scientists have figured they can do with nanotechnology this week, read on!

Learn all the latest about space travel, pharmaceutical discoveries, new health developments as well as recent findings in Psychology. Follow current advancements in cloning and stem cell research. Worried about global warming? Make sure you keep up-to-date on weather-related articles posted here. Is it Science Fact or Science Fiction? Will it happen tomorrow, in the next ten years, your lifetime, or never? Find out what scientists have to say here in our Science News Section.

The environment continues to be a hot topic within the science community. Scientists work everyday to figure out how we can live a more sustainable existence on our planet. When they make inroads that they share with the public, rest assured that those articles will be posted here. Never before has science, technology, and industry worked so closely together! Learn how abstract scientific experiments are being applied within the fields of computer science, social science, and even forensic science!

Nano technology, Bluetooth, medical technology, even biotechnology are all hot topics that you'll read about in this section. As the cycle for software development speeds up, you'll read about product releases and technology solutions that you only dreamed about yesterday! Find out about trends in science and technology and how they can affect you, your job, your home, and the world as large! In-sourcing, out-sourcing, or contract employees? The topic on how to find the resources for all the current technology jobs remains another scorching talking point. Read what consultants, CEOs and pundits are saying about technology jobs right now.

Technology isn't all about corporate America. Read about assistive technology or even space technology as advances are made on a daily basis. Learn about new Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices coming out that can help people with handicaps realize a fuller life through the use of technological progress.

The latest product releases blur the distinction between computers and products with computer chips. Computer technology makes it seem like everything is getting computerized, it's just a matter of time! Does this mean more technology jobs or less?

Lastly, if you rarely read science news but you're in desperate need for a science fair project idea, venture forth here! News articles are a great resource for science projects and fair ideas. You'll come across so many different ideas you'll have trouble picking just one science experiment for yourself. Science education has never been so exciting! So whether you have a natural curiosity for the sciences or you need some good ideas for your next science project or experiment, our Science News Section is the place to be.

Don't wait to read about "new technology" in a glossy magazine. Find out about it while it's still science and technology news! If you like to have the latest gadget and be on the forefront of the wireless movement, then make sure you visit our Technology News Section often.

Contributing Sources

Market Wire